Non-bank Lenders

Quicker time to lend,
with automated AML.

Get started

Millions of clients are verified faster through 1000s of companies with First AML.

Fuel your lending engine with automated AML.

Let's make it fast, easy, accurate and secure.

Profitable portfolio growth.

Save time and cost. Deliver a great experience.

KYB Inspect

Unwrap complex entity and ownership structures with a click.

With a single button press, visualise entities, UBOs, PSCs, and connections, even across multiple jurisdictions. Automatically retrieve and map verified shareholder data into your entity structures. Welcome to a new era of clarity and simplicity in KYB entity analysis.

KYB inspect

Elevate your KYC Workflow

Source by First AML redefines KYC with a streamlined, efficient, and customisable approach.

  • Integrated data feeds simplify data management
  • Customisation options adapt Source to your unique AML processes
  • Centralised, timely and relevant information reduces time-to-decision
  • Auto alerts and reminders allow management by exception
  • Audit trails are auto-built with every action
  • Adaptive rule-based verifications trigger relevant due diligence checks based on specific customer risk levels.


Onboard clients faster than ever before.